Thursday 28 April 2011

2nd day in...

Two days and still no followers? The horror of it! I should really start to promote this blog, the more followers the get, the more interesting I will be ;)
Well today is also an event, not quite so exciting as the thrills of the tapir but, it is World day for safety and health at work. So I thought I'd dedicate this post to those actors/actresses that went to extremes for their roles, even if it was damaging to their health...

(3) Natalie Portman for her role in Black Swan

 Natalie suffered an injury during one of the ballet scenes of 'Black Swan', in desperate need of a medic. However she was told the studio could not afford a medic on the low budget they had, spending much on Portman's trailer. She insisted that the medic was much more important, and the next day her trailer was gone.

(2) Renee Zellwegger for her role in Bridget Jones

The character of Bridget Jones was created to be, lets say, a little overweight. So when Renee was cast for the role she gained, a rumoured 25 pounds (nearly two stone for us brits) just to fit the criteria. Go Bridgettttt...

(1) Susan Sarandan for her role in The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Susan (far left) whilst filming the pool scene for 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' complained that there were no toilets on set and that it was much too cold. She was told that she was being far too fussy. She later repotedly, was diagnosed with pneumonia.

Thankfully all these people have since recovered/(lost the weight), but many people dont. For more information on this day follow this link:'_Memorial_Day
Stay Safe! <3

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Twice in one day. Aren't you lucky ;)

Yes I am back. Yes it's not even been a day, but I gotta get this thing up 'n' runnin'!
I just heard the news that it is, in fact, 'World tapir day!' Ooh the thrill is killing me! Unfortunately because this blog only became available today, I have no followers to share this joyous event with! :'(
BUT some of you may be such lovely devoted people, you will care enough to read back on the posts that may never get seen. You wouldn't want that to happen would you? Beautiful innocent posts never even getting a look in! Ahh the shame of it! (You may have noticed, I am very dramatic)
So JUST FOR FUN, lets pretend you gorgeous people will in fact read this post, I mean it would be cruel not to really ;)

So you all know what tapirs are right?? know your animal facts people (BIG animal lover), well if you dont, here is a picture of the beautiful creature...

How can you not love these beauties! So as a celebration for this day dedicated entirely to them, crack open the wine and have a celebatory glass! (Any excuse)
Love to the Tapirs!!!

Pleasure to meet you all...

This is the first post of my new blog. Hello, my name is BrandiHeart <3 I haven’t set up a blog for a while, and I kind of missed it, so i’m back baby ;)
For those who don’t know me, I’m from Great Britain and am female, just for the record. My interests are music, art and the media, basically anything I find entertaining or interesting I’ll write about. I gotta admit, my blogs not for everyone, although I like to think people can relate to atleast something I write!
Instead of my writing being all about me personally, I write about the things that interest me, and believe me it’s not going to be, should we say mainstream? My interests lie much deeper than that, in the alternative, in the unheard of, the taboo of our society. Things people may not want to talk about, but are secretly obsessed with. Hidden desires, passions and beleifs. That is what interests me.
Dont get me wrong, I’m not into devil worship or stuff like that (although that does sound…no) I’m talking about the normal unnormal, if you get me? no? You’ll find out in time.
Last of all, I have a love for people and love to know their ideas and opinions on things, so a lot of my blog posts would expect some reply ;)
Well, I hope I haven’t bored you too much with this bizarre introduction, it’s only the first bloody post! Ahah Love to you all <3